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TATE of the ate Maurice CallaghanFix this text
dece?sed and Mrs. Johanna Callaghan
Invite tenders for the purchase of the
undermentioned farming properties and
farm equipment stock and plant:
L All that piece of land being Vie
toria Location 3504 the whole of the
land in Certificste of Title Volume 779
0olio 182 containing 160 acres'
2. Ali that piece of land being Vic
I toria Location 5395 the whole of the
land in Lease 3127/450 Crown Lease
138/1937 containing 361 acres:
3. All that piece of land being VIc
toria Location 5394 the whole of the
land in Lease No. 20/1173 Crown Lease
3061/1911 containing 835 acres:
4. Special Annual Lease under Mining
Act of Victoria Location Reserve No.
12175 containing 369 sa. 3 roods. Annual
rental £5:
5. All that piece of land being Vic
toria Location 2730 the whole of the
in Certificate of Title Volume 1052.
Folio 60 containing 1091 acres:
6. All that piece of land being Vic
torta Location 2428 the whole of the
land in Certificate of Title Volume 443
Polio 179 containing 160 acres.
This is improved farming land situated
approximately six miles north-west of
Nabawa. There are approximately 2600
acres cleared and the water supply con
sists of wells and windmills. The pro
perty is well fenced and subdivided
sheep-proof. There is a large and up
to-date plant including tractor and all
necessary machinery. There is a good
6-roomed weatherboard and iron res
These properties are to be sold sub
Ject to the National Security (Economic
Organisation) Regulations.
Tenders must be in writing and are
to be accompanied by a cash deposit
of 5 per cent of the amount of the
2 tender.
Tenders are to be lodged with the
undersigned on or before noon on Mon
day. 30th September. 1946.
The highest or any tender not neces
I sarly r accepted.
Further particulars of property and
plant and stock and of conditions of
tender may be obtained from
JOHN H. O'ALLORAN, of 89 St.
George's-ter Perth, Soli tor for the
I Administrator.