- The Late Mrs. Louisa Durlacher.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Louisa Durlacher , of 102 Webster-street, Nedlands, widow of the late Mr. John Slade Durlacher. took place in -the Church of England portion of the Karrakatta
Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. C. B. Law (Warden of St. George's College) officiated at the graveside. The deceased lady was born at York, Western Australia, and was a daughter of the late William Edwards, who arrived in the State in a sailing ship in 1830 with his father, William Edwards, who was a Waterloo veteran.
She married her late husband in 1890 and he predeceased her 16 years ago. After her marriage she spent some years in the Shark Bay district , where her husband was engaged in the pastoral and pearling industries. She afterwards resided in York for a lengthy period and for the last 20 years had lived at Claremont. Mrs. Durlacher had taken a keen interest in church work all her life, and during her residence at Claremont was for a time an enrolling associate and secretary of the Christ Church Mothers' Union. She was of kindly and charitable disposition and always anxious to do all she could for those in need. [1]